Mobile Notary Services in Western Michigan

Allegan, Barry, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Ionia, Lake, Kalamazoo, Kalkaska, Kent, Manistee, Mason, Mecosta, Missaukee, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, Ottawa, VanBuren, Wexford.
Why use a Mobile Notary?
Mobile Notaries travel to meet you anytime day or night, weekends too! Meetings can be scheduled almost anywhere. At WMNS notarization is FREE, you only pay time & travel expense. All pricing is upfront and disclosed to you before you meet. We are just a call or email away, anytime.
How much do you charge for the service?
Mobile Notarization Services by West Michigan Notary Services are at NO COST. We do not charge for the notarization or for any explanations or advice we give you. We only charge a Travel & Time fee for our agents which is quoted upfront, and based on the location, mileage, and amount of time your service will take.
All mobile service pricing will be discussed with you prior to payment, via phone or email, and our services start at just 75.00.
It's SO Easy!
Our Services
General Notary
Adoption Service (baby) Notarizations: FREE!
Affidavits & Jurats
Automobile Titles
Bills of Sale
Certificate of Authority or Apostille
Custody Agreements
Debt Consolidation Loans
Financial Documents
I-9 Employment Verification
Legal Documents & Forms
Living Trust
Medical Documents & Forms
Nursing Homes
Oaths & Affirmations
Power of Attorney
Structured Settlements
Student Enrollment Verification
Travel Affidavits for Minors
Trust Signings
Various other documents
Affidavit of Marriage
Articles of Incorporation
Birth Certificates
Court Documents
Currier Service to Sec of State
Death Certificates
Drivers Licenses
FDA Compliance Letters
HR Employment Letters
Notarized Copies
Power of Attorney
School Transcripts & Diplomas
Various other documents
What is a Mobile Notary?
We are notaries on the go!
A mobile notary public is a notary who travels to meet clients
in person, and is the perfect solution for all your notarization needs.
We are available for you day and night, weekends included. Our mobile service can meet you anywhere including your home, office, coffee shop, restaurant, hospital or nursing home. You will love our rates as they are based on time and travel only. Please schedule an appointment with us at the most convenient time and location and we will contact you.
What is an Apostille?
An Apostille is a specialized certificate of authentication that provides a uniform method of validating documents to be used in foreign countries.
Apostilles are used whenever public documents need to be produced abroad. If you have been told that you need an apostille, your documents need this verification to be valid for use in another country. An Apostille only authenticates the origin of the underlying public record. (average Apostille fee $250.00)

Remote Notarization

Transparent Pricing

Service You Can Trust
Mobile Notarization Services from West Michigan Notary Services are at NO COST. We do not charge for the notarization or for any explanations or advice we give you. We only charge a Travel & Time fee for our agents which is quoted upfront, and based on the location, mileage, and amount of time your service will take.
All prices will be discussed with you prior to payment, via phone or email.
Phone: 1.616.304.2557
54 Years Experience
Our founder, Eugene W. Riggs has been a Notary Public since 1969.
Member of the National Notary Association
WMNS is a member of the National Notary Association.
Over 10,000 Notarizations
Anywhere, Anytime
10,000 signings provides us with extensive experience in all General, Legal, Business and other needs.
We can meet anywhere from home to office, coffee shop to hospital, McDonalds to the Country Club.
We Cover 21 West MI Counties
We travel to all locations in Western Michigan from Kalamazoo to Traverse City.
We take many forms of payment including Credit, Debit and Venmo.


Founder/CEO - West Michigan Notary Services - 1969 - Present
Founder/CEO - Credit FREEDOM Complete 2022 - Present
Michigan State Notary
Owner/Broker - Western Michigan Reality 2000-Present
Founder/CEO - Precision Notary Signing 2011 - Present
Senior Vice President - NorthPointe Bank 1998-2000
Founder and president of D&N Mortgage
Senior Vice President - Detroit Northern Bank 1994-1998
Vice President of Mortgage & Lending - Old Kent bank 1974-1994
Branch Manager - Family Acceptance Mortgage Company
Founder & President - North Ottawa Mortgage Company

Real Estate, University of Michigan
World Class Management - University of Michigan
National School of Real Estate - University of Wisconsin
National Schools of Real Estate Finance - Ohio State University
Certified Financial Counseling Professional
Coach & Specialist
Credit Repair Academy
Credit Repair Cloud Software Certified
Credit Repair Business Essentials Certified
Basic Disputing Certified
Advanced Disputing Certified
Mastery of Credit Repair Certified
Masters of Brokerage Principals
Michigan Credit Repair Law
Member, Grand Rapids Real Estate Board

Grand Rapids, MI
Tel: 616.304.2557
While we are not attorneys and can not give legal advice, we CAN explain all the documents we notarize and answer basic questions about them, including loan and mortgage documents, ARM’s, APR’s, Right of Recision and more. For expert legal advice we recommend contacting your attorney.